PrecisionLife to analyse OXEGENE data to improve mechanistic understanding of endometriosis
PrecisionLife – a company focusing on precision medicine in chronic diseases – has announced a significant data access agreement with the University of Oxford.
The agreement involves the licensing of the Oxford Endometriosis Gene (OXEGENE) dataset, with a view to developing new personalised treatments among endometriosis patients.
Endometriosis is a chronic condition linked to severe pain and infertility. It affects 10% of women across the world, but why it emerges is still unknown. On average it takes over seven years for patients to receive a diagnosis and there are currently no approved diagnostic biomarkers or cures for the disease.
The OXEGENE dataset involves anonymised genotype data – including disease stage and infertility status – from 1,000 surgically confirmed patients. PrecisionLife's analytics platform has the ability to analyse patient data and, consequently, better understand the causes of complex chronic disease and establish mechanistic patient stratification. This process has the potential to deliver precision medicine where, previously, it has not been possible.
PrecisionLife also hopes to highlight the genetic differences in people with endometriosis and the mechanisms triggering their disease, while reducing the time to a personalised diagnosis for patients.
Furthermore, the company aims to find novel drug targets for these disease mechanisms with biomarkers, connecting them to individuals who will benefit from the development of new therapies.
Dr Steve Gardner, chief executive officer at PrecisionLife, elaborated: "We're delighted to collaborate with the University of Oxford’s internationally recognised leaders in endometriosis. Our analysis of the OXEGENE dataset will be crucial in replicating our earlier findings and advancing the mechanistic understanding of endometriosis to improve prediction, prevention, and treatment for millions of women around the world."
Professor Krina Zondervan, co-director of the Endometriosis CaRe Centre, University of Oxford, concluded: "Endometriosis is a major health issue affecting women’s lives. PrecisionLife is a leader in identifying innovative ways to consider the joint effects of combinations of genetic risk variants that may identify biological drivers of complex diseases like endometriosis.
“We hope that the analysis of our data will lead to the development of precision medicines to improve the lives of patients."